Don't Wait! (Penny Cox)
This quote from Joshua is taken from the time when the Israelites were on the verge of settling in the promised land – a land for which they had spent a whole generation searching. And yet, despite all the effort of getting to this point, many were undecided on how to proceed and seemed hesitant to claim and inhabit their inheritance from God.
I recently read a book that contained a quote from an author called Annie Dillard; “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives”. I’m always thinking that I’m going to change and improve myself. Usually, it’s by spending more time in prayer or more time reading the Bible. And trying to be kinder, more generous … the list goes on and on. And the start date for these transformations is always the same – tomorrow!
So, you can see why this quote really made me sit up and think about how I spend my time. Not what I am going to do tomorrow, but what am I actually doing today? Today, here and now is my life - and I need to spend it how God wants me to spend it, and how Jesus has shown me to spend it. Today is the day to be kinder, to read my Bible, to pray for those people who are in my heart, and to praise God for his goodness in sending Jesus to save me. Today is the day to live in the joy of Lord!
Heavenly Father, thank you that we have your word to guide and teach us. Please forgive us when we put off doing the things that you have laid it in our hearts to do. Please help us to know your joy in our lives today. Amen.
Heavenly Father, thank you that we have your word to guide and teach us. Please forgive us when we put off doing the things that you have laid it in our hearts to do. Please help us to know your joy in our lives today. Amen.
Penny Cox
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