Echoes of mercy, whispers of love (Sheena Marx)

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.
Philippians 1:21 (NIV)
"Echoes of mercy, whispers of love"
Blessed Assurance

A few weeks ago Blessed Assurance was one of our Sunday morning worship songs, the hymn writer was inspired by today’s verse. The phrase “echoes of mercy, whispers of love” really settled on me.
For some reason, I was reminded of growing up in Yorkshire where ‘telling stories’ that changed and were added to over the years, played a very important part in family life. We would probably all agree that the testimony ‘slot’ can be such a powerful part of a service. Who doesn’t want to hear what God is doing in peoples lives right now!
I am convinced after our ‘lockdown’ there will be an abundance of “echoes of mercy” or “whispers of love” stories to tell. There should be a very long queue to give testimony!
Stop at the end of each day and think about the echoes of mercy and whispers of love that you have experienced today and give thanks.
Lord my heart sings with praise at the thought of sharing all the ways you have met with me, showing your mercy and love towards me. Amen.


  1. How lovely to think of the anundance of personal testimonies that will be shared. God is with us in this 💝 Thankyou Sheena


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