No Words (Nico Marais)
Romans 8:26-27 (NIV)
Words often get in the way of proper communication, I’ve found. Spelling mistakes, auto-correct, grammatical errors, misheard words… There is always a level of ambiguity in whatever we say or write, because the listener or reader can interpret our words in their own unique way.
But when we speak to God, there is no ambiguity. He knows our hearts and minds far better than we do ourselves. So in one sense it doesn’t matter that, on occasion, we don’t have the words to communicate what we’re feeling or going through, what we want or desire, because God already knows. Bad grammar in prayer will never get in the way of proper communication with God, because of the Holy Spirit. All we need to do is turn to Him.
Though wordless prayers aren’t the only way to communicate with God, I find great comfort in knowing that when I have no words, the Spirit does. And that’s all that counts.
Father, thank you that you know my heart and mind. Thank you that when my words fail, your understanding does not. I turn to you now. Amen.
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