Plots and plans

“Then the chief priests and the elders of the people assembled in the palace of the high priest, whose name was Caiaphas, and they plotted to arrest Jesus in some sly way and kill him.”
(Matthew 26:3, 4, NIV)

The Wednesday of Holy Week is sometimes called ‘Spy Wednesday’ because it is the point in the narrative when the chief priests and leaders plot to kill Jesus. They spy on him and hatch a plan behind closed doors, because they are afraid of what the people might do if they find out. It’s a day full of planning and intrigue and underhand dealings.

Because of all the plotting and planning it’s rather easy to view the religious leaders as pantomime villains, wearing black capes and twirling sinister moustaches. Of course they weren’t. In fact, they would have been seen as the most upstanding, respectable, trustworthy people around. They were the establishment, the leaders, the people in charge, and they had set their agenda against Jesus.

Of course, none of this is a surprise to Jesus. They may meet behind closed doors and in secret, but Jesus knows full well their words and their hearts. Their plots and plans are no shock to him, nor do they block his own plans and purposes. In fact, Jesus will use their antagonism towards him to achieve his ends through the cross.

We can take great comfort that no plans or plots of human leaders can stop God. No government, society, culture or country can thwart Jesus. No decree or edict can halt the Holy Spirit. That is a wonderful truth for us to dwell on today.

Lord Jesus, thank you that you are not stopped by the plans and plotting of human beings. Thank you that your plans and purposes always prevail. Please reassure me of this today and remind me that you will complete the good work you have begun in me. Amen.


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