We Matter To God
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
human beings that you care for them?"
Psalm 8:3-4 (NIV)
Psalm 8:3-4 (NIV)
What interest can the great God of the universe who made the heavens and earth, the moon and the stars possibly have in my life? Honestly the finer details are boring!
Yet He is interested. He cares about the smallest details.
The truth is you and I matter to Him. So much so that our scripture reminds us that He is ‘mindful’ of us. He thinks about us. He is attentive where we are concerned!
Sometimes, in the overall scheme of things it seems like we really don't matter. It can seems to us that our contributions are small, and the difference we may make in someone else's life, or the world in general, is pretty insignificant.
God loves all of His creation as He showed when He looked at the things He had created each day and said "It is good, It is good;" until the sixth day when He created man, and he looked at man and He said, "It is VERY good."
You are special in the eyes of God because you are His creation. When you begin to think you don't matter to anyone else, please remember you MATTER to Him - you are precious in His sight!
Prayer from Psalm 134:3
May the Lord , who made heaven and earth, bless you from Jerusalem.
Sheena Marx
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