Be Childlike (Liz Morris)
Matthew 18:3
This verse reveals one of the many unexpected instructions about being a disciple of Jesus. Like so many of Jesus’ teachings, He shows us that the way to live our lives is not the way we might naturally think. I expect at the moment, amidst serious situations and under various stressful conditions, the last thing you’d expect to aspire to be would be childlike. In fact, you are probably trying to hold it together and be as grown up as possible! However, in this verse, Jesus tells us to become like little children - to be trusting, with needs and fully dependant.
Jesus knew what it was to be a child, He was close with both of his earthly parents and His Heavenly Father and He was also the big brother to many younger siblings. He constantly demonstrated to us that He could do nothing apart from His Heavenly Father. He continuously drew aside to spend time alone with Him and sought only to do His will. When I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders, I find it so liberating to remember I am a child of God and that Jesus has told us and shown us to fully depend on our Heavenly Father.
Prayer - Father God, thank you that you love us so deeply and your care and concern for us knows no limits. Help us to live everyday in the knowledge that we are your children and no matter what we face we can come to you with humility and trust and you will show us the way through the troubles and into everlasting freedom. Amen.
Liz Morris
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