Do not be afraid: God’s presence (Keith Nurse)
Matthew 28:20b (NIV)
In a 2018 BBC survey a third of respondents said they often felt lonely. The current time of self-isolation and social distancing will only strengthen this feeling for some and create it for others. And despite so many people discovering the joys of video calls to friends and family, so many of us - even the introverts like me! - miss and long for face to face contact with family and friends again.
Today’s verse records the final words of Jesus that Matthew wrote in His Gospel. Perhaps this says something about their importance. Having lived with His disciples for three years, Jesus knew their weaknesses very well. He also knew what future life and ministry would involve for them. And He was about to return to heaven. His words of reassurance - which particularly came to life a short time later when the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost - were so important for them as they embarked on an uncertain future.
The Holy Spirit is God’s living presence with us too, here all the time, irrespective of where we are, how we feel and what we face, someone we can talk to and listen to, someone who encourages us, supports us, empowers us and shapes us. Recognise this wonderful truth and consciously take time to enjoy Him.
A prayer - Thank you, Lord, for the privilege of having the creator of the universe living in me by His Spirit. Please make me more sensitive and open to His friendship, ready to share every part of my life with Him, and drawing deep comfort from knowing I am never alone. Amen
Keith Nurse
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