Do not be afraid: God’s purposes (Keith Nurse)
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
All of us have had so many of our plans turned upside down in recent weeks. Things that we were anticipating eagerly - holidays, outings, celebrations - have had to be cancelled. Work schedules, the school year and the church calendar have all had to change. And we try to imagine what life will be like in the months ahead - when will life return to normal, and what will ‘normal’ look like anyhow?
The prophet Jeremiah wrote today’s verse to a people in exile, but he also told them that it would be seventy years before the exile would end, beyond the lifetime of most of those who heard his words. God doesn’t always take our sufferings away, but gives us hope in them, continuing to shape and enrich us, and to use us for good in the lives of others, even when times are tough.
Each of us is a special, a unique part of God’s creation, equipped and gifted to serve Him irrespective of the circumstances we find ourselves in. The psalmist said “The LORD will fulfil his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever” (Psalm 138:8, ESV). God hasn’t given up on you. Ask Him what His particular purpose is for you at this time.
A prayer - Thank you, Lord, that you have given me, and will continue to give me, gifts and opportunities through which you will fulfil your purposes for me. Please help me to recognise them, and to be open to the leading and prompting of your Spirit. Amen
Keith Nurse
Thankyou for this reminder that God ALWAYS has a good plan for us 🌈