You are my witnesses

“Repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things.” (Luke 24:47, 48)

At the end of Luke’s gospel, we have recorded for us Jesus’ instructions to his disciples before his ascension. Soon he would be returning to the Father and he would no longer be with them in physical form, but rather present by the Spirit. Before he leaves, however, he tells them they are to be witnesses.

‘Witness’ probably makes you think of rather negative things: picture a courtroom with a witness being cross-examined, or a crime show on TV where the police track down an eyewitness. Being a witness doesn’t sound like an encouraging thing when you think of it in those terms!

But what Jesus means is simply this: you’ve seen it, so tell it! You’ve seen who I am and that I have risen from the dead. You’ve experienced the freedom and forgiveness I offer. Don’t keep it to yourself: tell others!

Have you ever had such good news that you can’t keep it quiet? Perhaps a job offer you had be longing for, or a proposal where the other person said ‘yes’, or maybe an experience that beat all of your expectations. Those kind of things are impossible to keep to yourself; you’ve just got to tell someone.

Jesus tells us “you are witnesses” not because of some grim duty but because of overflowing joy. He wouldn’t make us witnesses if we didn’t have something amazing to share! Don’t worry too much about opportunities to speak or what to say when you do. Instead, focus on the joy of Jesus’ forgiveness and everything will flow from there.

Heavenly Father, thank you for your forgiveness and grace that you have poured out on me. So fill me with your joy that I overflow with that joy to others, enabling me to be your witness. Amen.


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