A peace which surpasses all understanding (Louise McFerran)
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:7
Every day as I go through the news there seem to be so many questions and very few easy answers. Questions about the past – did we get our response to the pandemic right? Questions about the present – is now too soon to ease restrictions? Questions about the future – what does a new normal look like? I think people are asking many personal questions too about their lives and what matters to them.
As I’ve battled with unanswerable questions, the verse that has comforted me is Philippians 4:7. Even when there are no answers and we are surrounded by questions that we simply cannot answer, we can know God’s peace that surpasses all understanding. Today, may you know that supernatural peace that doesn’t rely on answers or clarity, but that relies on our wonderful heavenly Father.
Why not copy out this verse and stick it somewhere near your television so this can be your prayer each day as you follow the news and hit those unanswerable questions.
Thankyou for this reminder that our heavenly Father holds us up. Peace in all circumstances. Amen to that 🌈