Help is always there (Louise Wells)

“I lift my eyes up to the mountains - where does my help come from?” (Psalm 121v1)

One of the positive things that I have noticed over the last few weeks (I know that it is months really), is that we are offering more help. A national army of helpers was set up, neighbourhoods started WhatsApp and Facebook groups to look out for those close by who need a helping hand. This help is good, but it is not where our ultimate help comes from.  

For that we need to lift our eyes up, because it is the maker of heaven and earth, our Lord God, who is the best helper. He is the one who watches over us while we sleep, who made the sun to give us light in our mornings and the moon at night.  

Heavenly Father, thank you that you are our helper, may we look to you for all our needs today. Give us strength to help those you put in our paths today and wisdom to know how best to look after ourselves. Amen

Today's question was “What have you found it helpful to do during lockdown?’ I found these answers really helpful and have plans to put a few into practise.

What have you found useful to do?

Alistair and Lisa
We have both been reading bible in a year everyday which has been really centering

Elaine and Duncan
I have been very blessed with having a garden so I have been trying to do a lot in there growing lots of tomatoes 

Finding some time alone each day. Mondays - Pilates online class. Every other Wednesday - Home group prayer. When Georgia is sleeping in the day, I read or watch telly on my own for 45 mins. Lily and Ian both go off on their own too while Georgia sleeps. 
- Being outdoors. We have woods near us and it's beautiful walking under the trees.
- Contact with other people by phone, WhatsApp or video chat. Hearing how other people are and sharing the highs and lows. 
- Date night :) Ian suggested it and I was very sceptical but it's been lovely. Every fortnight we have a night where we (Ian!) cook a meal for ourselves, put on clothes that we would wear if we were going out, light candles and eat together as a couple. (The girls are in bed) We think we might even continue it when life is more back to normal! 

Matthew and Bethany
Learning at home school and having the time to play with our new dog.
Learning to be independent, as I have to do more on my own without the help of my teachers.


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