In your own skin (Louise McFerran)
‘Do not come any closer,’ God said. ‘Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.’
Exodus 3:5
In Exodus we read about how Moses had a wonderful encounter with God as a burning bush. I can’t imagine how Moses would have felt to have such a real and physical moment with God.
I recently listened to a podcast by Janet Williams and she said something about this verse that I’d never heard before. Apparently sandals in Bible times would have been made of animal skin, and so she remarked that when God asked Moses to take off his sandals by the burning bush it was because He didn’t want Moses to meet with Him in someone else’s skin. He wanted Moses to come to him simply as he is. No pretending, no front.
The same is true for us. God wants us to meet Him just as we are. We don’t need to pretend to be anything or anyone different to the loved and valued person God made us to be. So today, let’s meet with God in our own skin and know that He couldn’t want us to be any different.
Why not try taking off your shoes and socks before your pray today as a visual reminder that we come to God in our own skin, vulnerable but secure in Him.
Dear Father God, thank you that we can come to you just as we are. Help us to meet with you today in secure honesty. Amen.
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