Tell Them (Liz Morris)

 Light in a messenger’s eyes brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.
 Proverbs 15: 30

We have such a wonderful message to tell and the whole world needs to hear it, tell them! Tell them with your actions, your deeds and your words. Live the truth, grow in the revelation of Jesus and what He has done and never stop testifying of what the Lord has done for you.
Humbly tell your neighbour, work colleague or family member all about the God who is your rock that you can depend on. Have confidence that God is good and boldly take up the commission that Jesus gave you and tell them about our victorious God who fights our battles.
Many today feel like God is irrelevant and an outdated concept. Some of us, by the grace of God, know that He is real and the truth about Jesus. Our eyes have been opened ahead of others around us, we have been jumped to the front of the queue, let God use us to tell those who don’t know yet. You are part of the few that will tell the many. You know a message that will bring joy to their hearts and good news that will give health to their bones!
Get ready, get set, tell them!

Let’s pray: Father God, thank you for sending your Son Jesus to die on the cross and pay the price for our sins. We invite you to make your home in us. Your love for us knows no limits and we can face the trials in the knowledge that you are with us. Give us the boldness to tell others the good news and open their eyes to the truth that you are The Way, The Truth and The Life. Amen


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