We all have different gifts (Louise Wells)
“…if it is to encourage, then give encouragement…” (Romans 12v8)
How have you been encouraged in the last few weeks? How have you encouraged others? As I have been thinking about this week and what would be helpful, this is one of the questions that has been going around in my head.
The word encouragement can be defined as ‘the action of giving someone support, confidence or hope.’
Paul recognises in these verses that encouragement is a gift which is an important part of the body of Christ. Don’t we all feel loved and valued when we are encouraged? That smile or nod of the head, the written note, or quick text. Some of these things stay with us a long time and continue to give us encouragement way after the initial event.
Earlier on in the passage Paul talks about the Body of Christ and other gifts, teaching, serving, giving, prophesying to name a few. Each one of us may be stronger in one area than another, but we all have a role to play in the church. Why don’t you try to encourage someone today?
One of the things that has helped me is listening to other people's stories, so this week’s encouragements are going to be a bit different. From tomorrow you are not only going to be reading a few words from me, but you are going to be hearing from other members of our church family about their challenges and encouragements from lockdown.
Till tomorrow…
Lord Jesus, thank you that you were the greatest encourager. Help me to encourage others today, help me to build them up, give them confidence and give them hope whatever situation they may be in. Amen
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