Words to soothe the soul (Louise Wells)

“Kind words are like honey, sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.” (Proverbs 16v24)

Words are a strange thing, they have huge power – power to encourage us and build us up, power to hurt and knock us down. We have a responsibility to use our words well. I don’t know about you, but I can struggle with that.  

Over the last few months we have often waited with bated breath for the latest update from the daily briefing, trying to understand what it means for us. Those words have changed the way we live now.  

Jesus' words have the power to change the way we live forever. Jesus always used his words well, he encouraged well, he challenged well, and he taught well. Jesus poured out his heart in honest prayers to God, some of them in praise to God, others in desperation for the pain he was in.

How will your words today help others around you?

Jesus, thank you for words. Help us to use our words today for good. Amen

Today's question is “What have you found encouraging?” I hope it won’t surprise you that words through text, songs and prayer show up in the answers.

What have you found encouraging?

Alastair and Lisa
Most encouraging has been people checking in on us to see how we are doing – it has meant so much to know we are on people’s hearts

Elaine and Duncan
One thing that has been lovely is  one of my friends sending me these lovely bible verses every day. We have also been so blessed with the lovely weather that we have had since the beginning of this 

- Sunday worship at home. The messages have been so peaceful and positive. The girls love the music and dance in the lounge most weeks! 
- Worship playlist. I love the selections and find the music so uplifting. The music goes on after Sunday worship while we prepare pastries and drinks. It's become a bit of a Sunday tradition. 
-Fortnightly home group prayer. Although lots of weeks I do find myself crying, I always feel so connected to everyone in the group and feel that we are sharing in each others' lives in such an important way by praying for and encouraging each other. 

Matthew and Bethany
I have been able to play more chess and have got better at it.
I like getting to know our new dog 


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