Childish Love (Karen Block)

‘When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.’

1 Corinthians 13:11

During his short period on earth, Jesus is on a mission given by the Father to give people a new opportunity to understand God’s character and commands. He provides direct access to the Father through the Holy Spirit and we just don’t get it most of the time. We find it hard to believe it or we choose to ignore it. Mainly, we just keep getting in the way of God’s plan for our lives.

I’m really encouraged by this as a mere mortal. I am constantly reminded how much I am loved and forgiven and how much it cost Jesus to enable me to live by faith in the real world. But this is the beginning. We are told to keep being filled by the spirit, seeking God’s will and being Christ-like.

What is precious to us in 2020 and how do we protect it? Our churches must operate in a national climate of fear and intolerance and subject to legislation around safeguarding and risk assessments.

We have a new understanding of vulnerability during the Covid-19 pandemic that is exposing terrible, painful truths about poverty, racism and inequality. We are learning how to live with a virus that has shown neighbours helping each other, families reconnecting and more people turning to prayer for meaning and comfort.

Everyone is worthy of compassion, mercy and grace. As the doors to our church buildings are re-opening, we will need to be church to each other wherever we are. More than ever, we will need authentic signs and evidence that there are places where everyone is accepted, welcomed and loved.

A prayer: Father, thank you that we can trust in you, no matter what. Give each of us the time, space and heart to hear your voice and move us to be more like Jesus. Amen

Karen Block


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