Fish on the barbie (James Clee)

When they landed, they saw a fire of burning coals there with fish on it, and some bread.
Jesus said to them, “Bring some of the fish you have just caught.” 

John 21:9-10

I love a good beach BBQ. The salty, smoky smells. The warmth of the sun. The sound of gentle lapping waves. The gritty crunch as you bite into a burger finely dusted with sand.

Jesus already has the fire going by the time the disciples reach the shore. The fire even has fish on it. He has all they need. But what is interesting is that Jesus says ‘Bring some of the fish you have just caught’. 

Jesus already had fish, he doesn’t need more, but still he invites us to be part of the story, to bring what we have to Him, and enjoy the blessing that brings. Jesus is inviting us to be part of something great. Let's bring our fish to the party!

A prayer - Thank you Lord that you have everything we could ever need, but thank you that you want to involve us in your plan. Amen

James Clee


  1. Love this James - bring and share. How wonderful to accept an invitation to be part of God's kingdom and enjoy His blessings 😋


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