Obey without understanding (Sheena Marx)
The Lord gave this message to Jonah son of Amittai: “Get up and go to the great city of Nineveh. Announce my judgment against it because I have seen how wicked it's people are.”
Jonah 1:1-2 (NLT)
Many years ago I wrote a paper for college on Jonahs ‘mindset’. I have to say this work really changed, shaped and challenged me and God certainly used this to ‘mould’ me into the person I am today. A painful process I must say!
The story begins with Jonah saying ‘No’ to God, who wanted him to go and preach in Nineveh amongst the Assyrians who were fierce enemies of Israel.
Many of you have shared that although you didn’t understand everything, or all of the science behind the spread of the Corona virus, you have been willing to comply with the Government’s instructions on isolation. Why then do we struggle or pull back from doing what God asks us?
We try to apply our own logic, ‘you can’t mean that God, surely this would be better!’ I know I fall into ‘bargaining’ with God!
All God asked was for Jonah to go… Put yourself in his place. Would you have been willing to do what God asked when it just didn’t seem to make sense, let alone outright dangerous?
The road to discipleship and servanthood is long and there is much to learn, as Jonah found out. Praise God for His grace and patience with us!
A prayer: Father, what are you saying to me today? Help me, as in my own strength I am likely to fail. As we are committed to serve you enable us to trust and obey you at times without fully grasping the big picture. Amen
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