Risking their lives (Dan Wells)

Greet Priscilla and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus. They risked their lives for me. Not only I but all the churches of the Gentiles are grateful to them. (Romans 16:3, 4)

Priscilla and Aquila are some of the few people in Romans chapter 16 that we have met elsewhere in the Bible. They were companions of Paul in his ministry and he seemed to have a special friendship with them. But it’s not their friendship that he highlights here, but their risk.

“They risked their lives for me” says Paul. That’s a pretty amazing thing to say of anyone. I’m guessing Priscilla and Aquila were fond of Paul, but it’s not his friendship that Paul has in mind here. As he goes on to say, all the churches are grateful to them. They were willing to take a risk, not for Paul but for God.

Being a risk-taker and being a Christian might not seem like they go together very naturally! It can seem as if the church is overly conservative, unwilling to change and unwilling to try new things. And perhaps we can be much the same as well.

But Priscilla and Aquila could risk everything for God because they were all in for Jesus. They knew that their greatest treasure was safe in Jesus’ hands. For that reason they could take big risks knowing that nothing ventured for God’s kingdom is ever worthless. What risks, big and small, can we take for God today? Perhaps it’s a big change of direction or change of career. Or perhaps it’s a small but significant risk, like talking to our friend about our faith. Let’s be risk takers for God today.

Lord Jesus, thank you for the example of Priscilla and Aquila. Thank you for their willingness to risk everything for you. Help me to take risks, big and small, for your kingdom and your glory. Amen.


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