Saved by the Storm (Sheena Marx)
But the Lord hurled a powerful wind over the sea, causing a violent storm that threatened to break the ship apart.
Jonah 1:4 (NLT)
None of us likes to be caught in a storm, one of my Grandchildren heard thunder for the first time recently and didn’t like it one bit!
Yet this storm saved Jonah, this ‘vacation’ to Tarshish was ruined, but His ‘call’, his vocation was saved! God certainly got Jonah’s attention.
Storms may cause damage, but they often clear the air. The ‘storm’ – the virus – has without a doubt caused untold damage and pain and devastating loss. Yet as we begin to emerge from lockdown so many of you are sharing how God has ‘cleared the air’ for you: relationships have been healed, families and communities standing together, unhelpful patterns of thinking or behaviour overcome.
I for one have been ‘shaken up’ by the storm and I am praying I come out of the storm having learnt what God has wanted me to learn and changed by His spirit. Some of the ‘things’ we have held onto before and during the storm will have been ’loosened’ to Gods glory!
A prayer: Father, help us to let go of those things that are not of you in our ‘storm’ and to stand on our Rock of faith and hold onto only our Anchor in times of trouble. Amen
Sheena Marx
Yes - God 'loosening' some things in the storm to his Glory. Love that. Thankyou