Jesus and Jairus (Nico Marais)

When Jesus had again crossed over by boat to the other side of the lake, a large crowd gathered around him while he was by the lake. Then one of the synagogue leaders, named Jairus, came, and when he saw Jesus, he fell at his feet.

Mark 5:21-22

Jairus was a synagogue leader and would have known of Jesus, heard Him teach and heard of some of the miracles Jesus had donear.  There is no doubt that Jairus must have been a desperate man to approach Jesus in such a way and entrust his daughter’s health and life to the man He was told to hate.  And yet, he did so.
When Jairus receives the bad news of his daughter’s death, Jesus comforts him and encourages Him to ‘just believe,’ (Mark 5:36). 
It is interesting to think that Jairus’ faith was tested before He was a follower of Christ.  Yet, he believed that Jesus was able to save his daughter.  We can’t earn God’s healing or grace, or deserve it more than others who may be less inclined to follow Him.  Whatever our system of belief is, we need to trust Jesus with everything; that which is easy to entrust to Him as well as that which is hardest to release into His care and most dear to us.

A Prayer: Jesus, thank you that you encouraged Jairus to believe.  Thank you that we too only need to believe in you, your power and love.  Help me entrust my family, my finances and all that is dear to me into your care.  Amen.

Nico Marais


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