Keep Going (Liz Morris)

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up

Galatians 6:9

I have found our Sunday morning series in Philippians so enriching and it’s triggered my interest to read more of the letters the Apostle Paul wrote to the early churches. Although he wrote them over 2000 years ago, they are still so relevant and set such an example to us as we continue to be transformed by Jesus’s presence through the Holy Spirit. This week I am going to share small parts of Paul’s letters that are encouraging me, starting with the above words of encouragement that he wrote to the Galatians.


I am writing in the heat of an extremely hot August day, struggling to focus on work and feeling the drain of life during a global pandemic. Paul’s encouragement reminds me that when we feel weary, it is not time to give up, overthink things or despair. Instead we must keep going, even if doing the right thing is hard or counter cultural. Just before this verse he talks about sowing and reaping and tells us what the fruits of the Spirit are - love, joy, peace, kindness, patience, faithfulness, goodness, gentleness and self-control. He reminds us that if we want to produce these fruits in our lives, they are not an automatic but need to be cultivated in our hearts - an often-wearying process!


Paul probably became very weary at times. He never gave up on doing good - on living out the gospel message and helping the early Christians who were trying to live out this truth. Paul’s words and deeds are still reaping a harvest today, and they challenge, inspire and encourage us not to give up either.


Let’s pray - Lord Jesus, please help us when we are weary to never tire of doing what is good, no matter what. Amen.  

Liz Morris


  1. Amen❣ We can't 'go the distance' in our own strength. Thankyou for this reminder.


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