Receive God's Glorious Grace (Penny Cox)
"to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves"
Ephesians 1:6 (NIV)
Have you ever gone into the supermarket to buy just a couple of things so you think you’ll manage without a basket? As you go up and down the aisles you end up collecting more and more items and before you know it you have a great pile in your hands, wedged in under your chin? You just hope that you can make it to the checkout before it all collapses. Perhaps you are more organised than me, but I have certainly been in this predicament more than once.
A friend recently lent me a great book, which I’d highly recommend, “What’s so Amazing about Grace?” by Philip Yancey. Part of the book is devoted to helping the reader receive God’s grace. It explains that we need to be able to come to God empty handed so that we actually have room to receive. As our days go along, we can find that mentally and physically we are taking on more and more until we are overloaded and seem to have no space for God. Today’s encouragement is to suggest that you hand over all your worries and “stuff” to him, and in return receive his amazing grace.
Father, thank you that you that we have redemption through Christ’s blood. Thank you that you lavish your grace upon us. Help us to hand over all our worries and cares to you and make room for your amazing grace in our lives. Amen.
Penny Cox
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