Stand Together (Dan Wells)
“Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Live in harmony with one another.” (Romans 12:15, 16)
I wonder how you have felt as you have seen the posts and protests about Black Lives Matter over recent months. Some issues have seemed far away perhaps, either geographically, with protests happening in other countries, or far away from our personal knowledge and experience. As a white male it’s very hard for me to fully understand the injustice and discrimination that so many other people have experienced.
Personally I have struggled with the best way to engage and respond with this issue. There is a pull to be cautious and careful, which has some wisdom in it, but can easily make us slow to respond or unwilling to respond at all. With so many complex issues woven together, is there anything that someone like me can usefully contribute? Should I simply stay silent?
Karen helpfully began our reflections this week in Romans chapter 12 and it’s helpful to return there today. Paul give these simple commands to rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn. There are people mourning over the loss of friends and loved ones, mourning over the loss of freedom and safety, mourning over injustice. As Christians we have a duty to come alongside those who mourn and to mourn with them, to enter into their suffering and struggles and struggle with them.
“Live in harmony with one another” says Paul. It might seem as if harmony means not rocking the boat. But harmony is impossible while there is injustice. Harmony is out of reach when there is discrimination and hatred. Harmony cannot be present if some in society are treated as less than others.
We will get some things wrong. As a white male there is a huge amount I do not understand and may never fully understand. But silence is not an option and inaction is not an option for followers of Jesus Christ. We must speak up for harmony and work for the day when we can rejoice instead of mourn.
Lord Jesus, please give us hearts that mourn with those who mourn, over lives lost, over mistreatment and discrimination, over injustice. Equip us by your Holy Spirit to understand, to love and to work for harmony and justice. Amen.
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